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IUFM d'Alsace

Phd : user guide(s)

A first initiative driven by the expression of concrete expectations and practical needs for PhD students, the EED Unistra 2015 summer school offers a set of cross-disciplinary, theoretical, methodological as well as technological tools to 1st and 2nd year PhD students in Humanities and social sciences, intended to facilitate doctoral studies.

Regarding PhD in its entirety, EED Unistra 2015 is composed of 6 consecutive modules, ranging from well known key PhD issues (scientific writing, institutional knowledge) to issues less frequently covered (time and stress management, self-image, isolation) to the most basic issues (using word processing programs, methods in collaboration, employment prospects).

6 Modules

  1. Module 1/ Views on the PhD (roles played by universities and graduate schools in ensuring success, questions on how to improve doctoral training programs)
  2. Module 2/ Producing knowledge (Humanities and social sciences epistemology, data and data processing, data processing tools and programs, scientific future of humanities and social sciences ...)
  3. Module 3/ Writing (writing a doctoral thesis, the heuristic dimension of scientific writing, the uniqueness of writing a doctoral thesis, technical management of long texts, the writer's position, …)
  4. Module 4/ Managing doctoral studies(managing project “thesis”, PhD student's self-image, types of collaborations, student/supervisor relationship, …)
  5. Module 5/ Adding value to the PhD (publications, organization of young researchers conferences, poster and abstract writing, oral communication skills …)
  6. Module 6/ Entering the academic job market (employment prospects for PhD students, social and professional networking, skills portfolio, …)


  • Speakers: Institutional representatives (graduate school heads, representatives from the High Council for Research Evaluation and Higher Education), renowned scholars in the topics covered, PhD students, young doctors
  • Plan: conferences, round tables, panel discussions and workshops (real professional situation, using tools, role play,…), testimonies
  •  Tools: a number of tools (perfectible and evolutionary throughout doctoral studies ) will be provided at the end of the EED : the EED 2015 book (comprising of speakers presentations, workshop material), a self-evaluation form of doctoral studies, a skills portfolio, a Curriculum Vitae and, depending on workshops, a chronogram, a poster, an abstract, a duly written portion of a thesis.

A network of EED 2015 PhD students will then be set up.

  • Public: PhD students in Humanities and social sciences from France and abroad (NB: priority will be given to 1st and 2nd year students)
  • Number of registrations: 70 (places limited)
  • Registration: 1 March 2015
  • Contacts: ecoledoc.shs@gmail.com